söndag 30 september 2012

Company over sushi

Me and my live-ins decided to invite some of our local friends to a night of homemade sushis, Chinese omelettes and chocolate cake.

 Kim preparing crabsticks, prawns and salmon.

 And this was the result of countless of hours work.

Josefina instructing Ulrik what he was served.

 My bro-in-crime Joel and his photogenically evil face.

And for a change, a snap shot of me.

onsdag 26 september 2012

Configuration processing

New week of Artistic Configuration, using clay and the same grinding as last time.

fredag 7 september 2012

Creative grind

Two days of constant croquis and model studies. Six hours a day.
That is a lot.
No wonder why we were totally grinded after our Artistic Configuration classes. Anyway, here are a few selected studies I made during the days.

 (The foot is totally off balance, but there is something in the body language which makes it up.)

My new hobby: Drawing right hand with my left hand when nobody sees.